Business Consulting in Asia

Such strategic joint ventures have been seen as an effective and efficient approach to entry into the Chinese market by especially medium and small companies. FICPfs has developed an international network which covers Asia (including Japan), Europe, North America and Africa which has made it possible for the company to be able to effectively participates in direct Investment

Funding for joint ventures depending upon their nature, are provided by financial institutions, businesses, government bodies and individuals. In all cases, core funds are meant for profit-oriented business activities. Our joint venture activities have also turned unused and/or under-utilized business resources into profit which includes the creation of new profit centers.

Currently the mainly business areas we are engaging ourselves in Business Field in China are:

1) Automobile (including Local Contents Business in China )
2) Information Network (including internet cafes in Asia)

3) Continued Education in Japan

(1) Business Consulting to Automobiles in China

What is Four-In Group ?

(2) Continues Education how to lean English in yourself

How About C-Pen ?
